Updated: 5/2/2003; 4:45:57 PM.  [@ 906]

Travels with Charlie
Come, drink my KoolAid!

daily link  Wednesday, April 30, 2003

11:16:40 PM  [ @ 178 ]  Blank e-mail bug in Outlook 2003 Beta  

I've been using Microsoft Office 2003 Beta 2 for a while now and overall I'm really happy with it. There is however, one annoying bug in Outlook that is driving me nuts. Every once in a while, when I paste something into a message (it's happened with html copied from websites or e-mails and most recently with some text copied from WordPad) Outlook sends an empty message.

Completely blank... nothing in it... Check the Sent Items folder... Nada... Nothing... an empty message... as white as the South Pole during a blizzard.

Where is my message content going? Why is this happening? If you've got a clue, post a comment.

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2:20:18 PM  [ @ 805 ]  Bringing new meaning to the term "moron"  

From ESPN / AP:

The daddy osprey hit with a baseball allegedly thrown by a minor league pitcher has died, officials said.

Witnesses said Jae Kuk Ryu, a 19-year-old South Korean pitcher for the Class A Daytona Cubs, tried several times during pregame practice April 21 to knock the osprey from its perch with a baseball before finally hitting it.

At the time, Ozzy was nesting with its mate and a brood of fuzzy chicks.

Read the full story at ESPN.

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Last update: 5/2/2003; 4:45:57 PM.  [@ 906]