Updated: 5/2/2003; 4:45:11 PM.  [@ 906]

Travels with Charlie
Come, drink my KoolAid!

daily link  Friday, April 25, 2003

12:02:39 AM  [ @ 210 ]  Extra! Extra! Macromedia unveils transmogrifier...  

Something very weird is going on at Macromedia's website. I visited their website today and was asked to fill out a short survey in exchange for the chance to win a Palm. Having filled out the survey, I noticed that I was never asked for any contact information - I thought, well, maybe the site remembers me. So I clicked on "Your Account" to make sure all my contact info was correct and presto... I was transmogrified into one Lee Kil Sung from South Korea.

Since I don't even know anyone from South Korea and absolutely nobody else uses my laptop, I assume there's something very wrong with Macromedia's new code. It's a good thing some areas of the website are off-line, or I could presumably take a look at this guy's shopping history.

So much for security...

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Last update: 5/2/2003; 4:45:11 PM.  [@ 906]