Updated: 4/11/2003; 8:05:46 PM.  [@ 045]

Travels with Charlie
Come, drink my KoolAid!
Information Magician Extraordinaire

Note: I'll be reworking this tool as I've run into a slight problem. It seems the xml.rss.viewRssBox I'm using caches the information it displays, so that if you add or delete something to your ToDo category it won't show up for a while. Stay tuned.

Ok! I've got my ToDo.Radio "application" working. It's really simple and works quite nicely.

Right now this is how it works:

  • Create a new category, called "ToDo"
  • Anytime you have something you need to do or be reminded of, add it to your weblog under the "ToDo" category.
  • While you're on your home page (edit-mode only!) you will see a table above the edit box displaying all your ToDo items.

Eventually I would like to add the following features:

  • Ability to delete items directly from the table

The code is really simple, just follow these instructions:

  • Open the Radio application (Right click on the Radio taskbar icon and select Open Radio)
  • From the Window menu, open Radio.root
  • Create a new script under the "workspace" key and call it showToDo
  • Copy the following code to the showToDo script:
    • on showToDo () {
       bundle {
        try {
         local (pta = html.getpageaddress ());
         if pta^.radioResponder.flStaticRendering {
          return ("")}}};
       return (xml.rss.viewRssBox ("", "Things that need getting done!"))}
  • Save your new script
  • Go to your Desktop Website template Preferences page
  • Decide where you want your ToDo table to appear. I use the Transmitter theme and wanted the table to appear above the Edit Box (wizzy editor), so I added the script call after the call to radio.macros.editorsOnlyMenu and before the call to radio.macros.weblogEditBox.
  • All you have to add is "<%workspace.showToDo()%>" but it looks better if you add table code around it:
    • <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
        <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
        <td valign="top" width="100%">
  • Sumbit your changes and head over to your home page and check it out!

Any comments, fixes, bugs or changes you come up with: please send me some mail Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog.

Or head over to the discussion group at Radio.

Copyright 2003 © carlos granier-phelps.
Last update: 4/11/2003; 8:05:46 PM.  [@ 045]
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