Updated: 4/12/2003; 12:42:13 AM. [@ 237] |
The Matrix Opiniones sobre nuevas tecnologías. (In Spanish)
1:07:37 AM [
@ 255
] Theme change night
Theme change...! I'll be messing up with a new theme for a while. Love it? Hate it? Let me know. It's a tune-up of jenett.radio.simplicity.1.2. There's still some work to be done. Google It! comment [] ![]()
3:43:17 PM [
@ 863
] My fifteen minutes of weblog fame
So I look at my referrer log and see hundreds of hits coming in from Dave's website, www.scripting.com. Wow... what's going on? Turns out Dave noticed my little tutorial on OPML lists and mentioned it in his weblog. It's kind of like my fifteen minutes of weblog fame. I hope some of you stick around. Welcome! I'll be away next week, so don't think I've abandoned my weblog. Soon, I'll have a new category dedicated solely to the art of negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution. In addition to my technical stuff, of course. Enjoy, and let's all push Dave to get moving and wrap up the OPML subscription code. Google It! comment [] ![]()
1:23:24 AM [
@ 266
] Dave's new partnership -- The New York Times?
Dave is announcing his new partnership later today. My guess is that he's found a way to formally bring in the big journalism guns (think The New York Times) into the Radio community. And I say "formally" because I've been receiving news feeds from The New York Times for a long time already... all done from Radio. But what does the NYT want with UserLand? Will they set-up a community server (or many, designed around the various news sections already in the paper) and distribute news that way? A kind of Pointcast 2002? Somehow, I don't think so. But if indeed this new partnership is with the NYT, then it must revolve about the NYT's use of UserLand technology (and not UserLand's use of the NYT's news feeds). I have, however, noticed the following change: I've been subscribed to the New York Times' Technology news feed for a while now, using this url: Tonight, I subscribed to their Opinion news feed, and this is the url:
The website partners.userland.com (taken from that url) asks for a username and password to get in. If you plug-in the values on the above url (user:radiouser / pass:Csm!]-tvMm) you'll see a site with a folder named nyt which includes all the xml feeds. Also, on the page where I just subscribed, Dave says:
From this, it seems that UserLand now has some kind of exclusive agreement with the NYT. Well, soon we shall all know. Google It! comment [] ![]()
10:42:46 PM [
@ 154
] Virtual Keyboard
[Yahoo News] - A full-size fully functional virtual keyboard that can be projected and touched on any surface. Wow! Thanks, Doc, for the link. Google It! comment [] ![]()
12:02:59 AM [
@ 210
Film is dead... long live film: [NYT] Digital Sensor Is Said to Match Quality of Film [DP Review] Foveon X3 exclusive preview [DP Review] Sigma SD9 D-SLR: Foveon X3 sensor comment [] ![]()
5:49:52 PM [
@ 951
Ok, I won't be posting for the next couple of days... but I'll be back. comment [] ![]()
1:22:53 AM [
@ 265
More on the PC v. TV debate: [Web Developer's Journal] - The Web Meets TV - It's Tabloid Time: According to a Cyber Dialogue survey, in the fourth quarter of 1999, 10.2 million US adults spent an average of 7.3 hours per week surfing the Net while watching TV in the background. Try converging that! An interesting article, highlighting the possibility of a new market (sort of a light version of the Internet - The Half-Assed Web) offering web services over TV. [Plastic] - If They Mated — Television And The Internet: An interesting discussion evolving from the above-mentioned article. There are some very interesting posts among all the junk. comment [] ![]()