Updated: 2/17/2004; 8:31:00 AM. [@ 563] |
Coding Code, snippets, bits & pieces...
8:30:56 AM [
@ 563
] Remote Storage Services???
According to Microsoft's latest "Windows Platform News" newsletter (2004 - Issue 53), RSS (Really Simple Sindication) stands for "Remote Storage Services":
Google It! comment [] ![]()
12:16:40 PM [
@ 719
] Building Advanced Search Queries in Microsoft Outlook.
I've been playing around with Microsoft Outlook 2003 Beta's Search Folders. If you really want to get all you can out of them, you should turn on the Query Builder. It's a simple registry hack, available from Microsoft's Knowledge Base, Article 307922. All you have to do is run your registry editor, look for the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook and then on the Edit menu, click New, click Key, and then type QueryBuilder for the key name. Quit your registry editor and go back to Outlook. There's no need to restart Outlook (I had mine running all through the operation). You will now see the Query Builder tab when you go to Advanced Find. Google It! comment [] ![]()
11:16:40 PM [
@ 178
] Blank e-mail bug in Outlook 2003 Beta
I've been using Microsoft Office 2003 Beta 2 for a while now and overall I'm really happy with it. There is however, one annoying bug in Outlook that is driving me nuts. Every once in a while, when I paste something into a message (it's happened with html copied from websites or e-mails and most recently with some text copied from WordPad) Outlook sends an empty message. Completely blank... nothing in it... Check the Sent Items folder... Nada... Nothing... an empty message... as white as the South Pole during a blizzard. Where is my message content going? Why is this happening? If you've got a clue, post a comment. Google It! comment [] ![]()
10:35:58 PM [
@ 149
] Macromedia fixes transmogrifier code
I was contacted today by a very nice Macromedia employee who assured me that the problem has now been solved, and that even though someone else's information showed up under my account I was definitely not logged in as that person. According to Macromedia I couldn't have seen any of this user's personal information - and as far as I can tell, I could not. Good to know it's fixed. Unfortunately for Macromedia, they sent me a survey to grade my experience with their customer service before customer service answered me - I guess they didn't score too well. Google It! comment [] ![]()
12:02:39 AM [
@ 210
] Extra! Extra! Macromedia unveils transmogrifier...
Something very weird is going on at Macromedia's website. I visited their website today and was asked to fill out a short survey in exchange for the chance to win a Palm. Having filled out the survey, I noticed that I was never asked for any contact information - I thought, well, maybe the site remembers me. So I clicked on "Your Account" to make sure all my contact info was correct and presto... I was transmogrified into one Lee Kil Sung from South Korea. Since I don't even know anyone from South Korea and absolutely nobody else uses my laptop, I assume there's something very wrong with Macromedia's new code. It's a good thing some areas of the website are off-line, or I could presumably take a look at this guy's shopping history. So much for security... Google It! comment [] ![]()
10:08:03 AM [
@ 630
] FM RadioStation (tm): the icing on the Radio cake
I've just downloaded FM RadioStation, an add-on for Radio Userland. It's amazing what this software does for Radio - if you've got Windows and Radio you owe it to your blogging self to try it out. FM RadioStation intelligently integrates Radio's posting, aggregating and browsing functions: it includes a very capable news browser and a wonderful article composer, with full html controls and spell checking. Take a look at: http://www.socialdynamx.net/FMRadioStation Google It! comment [] ![]()