Updated: 6/15/2004; 6:04:42 PM. [@ 961] |
Travels with Charlie Because getting lost makes the trip that much more fun!
8:30:56 AM [
@ 563
] Remote Storage Services???
According to Microsoft's latest "Windows Platform News" newsletter (2004 - Issue 53), RSS (Really Simple Sindication) stands for "Remote Storage Services":
Google It! comment [] ![]()
1:25:37 AM [
@ 267
] Fire Grady Little Now
I've got a petition going to request that Boston Red Sox Manager Grady Little be fired asap. Join the fun, sign: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/firegln/petition.html
Google It! comment [] ![]()
11:50:51 AM [
@ 701
According to ZDNet's review, one of the problems with the Linksys WPC55AG Dual-Band Wireless A+G Notebook Adapter is that it has no wall-mounting capability. Go figure.
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12:41:11 PM [
@ 736
] 78% of my e-mail is junk
Last week, between Monday 5/19 at 1:01am and Sunday 5/26 at 11:08pm I received 702 spam messages. That's one hundred spams per day. On that e-mail account, I received 202 legitimate messages. So, 78% of all mail on that account is junk... time to switch accounts I guess. Google It! comment [] ![]()
12:16:40 PM [
@ 719
] Building Advanced Search Queries in Microsoft Outlook.
I've been playing around with Microsoft Outlook 2003 Beta's Search Folders. If you really want to get all you can out of them, you should turn on the Query Builder. It's a simple registry hack, available from Microsoft's Knowledge Base, Article 307922. All you have to do is run your registry editor, look for the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook and then on the Edit menu, click New, click Key, and then type QueryBuilder for the key name. Quit your registry editor and go back to Outlook. There's no need to restart Outlook (I had mine running all through the operation). You will now see the Query Builder tab when you go to Advanced Find. Google It! comment [] ![]()
6:03:09 PM [
@ 960
] Driver fault causes huge spill
Huge quantities of black ink spewed into Window Bay, alarming local environmentalists given the extensive damage caused to the area's local mice and penguins. The spill ocurred as a giant tanker, the Epson-Valdez, ran aground due to a faulty driver. Google It! comment [] ![]()
8:38:41 PM [
@ 068
] 5 de Mayo
Today in History... Mexicans all over the world commemorate "El 5 de Mayo". What is this all about, you ask? Well, recent expeditions to the Titanic have unearthed (or should that be unwatered or unoceaned) some little known facts: For example, most people don't know that back in 1912, Hellman's mayonnaise was manufactured in England. The "Titanic" was carrying 12,000 jars of scheduled for delivery in Veracruz, Mexico, which was to be the next port of call for the great ship after New York City. The Mexican people were eagerly awaiting delivery and were disconsolate at the loss. So much so that they declared a national day of mourning which they still observe today. It is known, of course, as Sinko de Mayo. Google It! comment [] ![]()